To Give in order to Receive
The idea of giving and receiving proved to be a challenge even for those of us striving to really truly incorporate it into our lifestyle.
Berta opened the meeting to introduce Bob, who offered up plenty of food for thought. The following is an overview of Bob's Lesson:
What is success? How does it show up in people's lives? Is there a secret to success? If there was any secret it would be that we must give freely with no expectation of return.
Napoleon Hill was friends with Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie introduced him to 500 Successful people. Hill studied their processes for success. Hill also studied tens of thousands of "failures". Ultimately, Hill reported that the cases of failures taught him more than the successes.
Another curious analogy is that of the Wood Stove. In order to keep warm by using a wood-burning stove, you must go out, procure wood (with effort) and then manage the fire in order to produce heat. This is a lot of work. Some people are willing to do the work while others just want to feel the heat and warmth of the fire after it is burning. Success takes effort.
Like farmers, every person must decide what they want to grow so that they can plant the right seed in the right soil and produce real results. Farmers have faith that what they plant is growing.
4 Steps to Success:
- Define what you want in your mind.
- Pretend that you have already received it
- Feel Gratitude for it and give Thanks.
- Say Yes or say No...go for the yes with no resistance
- Subconscious Mind ...allow it to work.
The subconscious mind's activity (vibration) is what attracts success and anything else that comes to us.
Thank you Bob
Next was Janet's Lesson and she spoke more in-depthly about the idea of Resistance and offerred a lot of practical suggestions.
Imagine having an unlimited amount of something that you could give away freely...
We used a worksheet and performed a practical and very challenging exercise about identifying where our feelings control our blockages. This is from a collection of writing by Byron Katie called "The Work"
Thank You Janet
Angel wrapped up the meeting with reminders about this Blog and ways to receive information such as reading materials used by our Group. The act of Giving and Receiving is a challenge for all of us on different levels and the fact that resistance is always there is undeniable. But the point is we all want to see miracles and success in our lives. This and our mutual interest in doing good for the planet, our state and just our communities in general are why we continue to meet-up and share ideas like this.
We at CBA are committed to working together in LOVE and peace and we are so glad to meet so many new people each time we gather. Stay tuned for the next physical Meetup and projects coming up.
If anyone knows of a Cause or Charity that needs championing, please contact Sam Lemay or any of the CBA Organizers. Thank you and much peace and love to you.
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