Friday, March 16, 2012

Feeling of Belonging

All people are looking for a feeling that they "belong".  It can come in any shape or size or package.  Some people travel around the world looking for an elusive sense of completion or a religion.  Others search for this in relationships and romances.  So what is the right path?  How can anyone be completely certain? 

With so much diversity in cultures, religions and people, it is no wonder that choices present so much of a challenge!  We need tools that can be put to practical use and that will give us results!  In general, all people want fullfillment in life and achievements in general.  Most people appreciate being acknowledged for their contributions and the majority of us are motivated by praise and kindness.

The idea of being a part of a tribe is very appealing...even in America where such a concept may seem rather out-of-place. But what a tribe is and what it's the essence of every great organization, family and business.  There are Leaders, followers, collaborators, shared purpose and distribution of both responsibilities and privileges. Those who Lead today, follow tomorrow ... and those who follow may also Lead.  Each takes part actively in the creation of the group's successes.

Conceive, Believe, Achieve! (CBA Group RI) was created by a small tribe of effectively conscious individuals who have shared vision. Then a larger group and circle grew around the first one, and so the two circles merged.  This is the beginning of a wonderful community.  Those who are with us now are part of the process of growing into whatever we envision for ourselves. 

From Organizers, Sam& Alberta Lemay
Bob Coderre
and AngelMarie VanGyzen

Thank you!

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