Friday, March 16, 2012

Feeling of Belonging

All people are looking for a feeling that they "belong".  It can come in any shape or size or package.  Some people travel around the world looking for an elusive sense of completion or a religion.  Others search for this in relationships and romances.  So what is the right path?  How can anyone be completely certain? 

With so much diversity in cultures, religions and people, it is no wonder that choices present so much of a challenge!  We need tools that can be put to practical use and that will give us results!  In general, all people want fullfillment in life and achievements in general.  Most people appreciate being acknowledged for their contributions and the majority of us are motivated by praise and kindness.

The idea of being a part of a tribe is very appealing...even in America where such a concept may seem rather out-of-place. But what a tribe is and what it's the essence of every great organization, family and business.  There are Leaders, followers, collaborators, shared purpose and distribution of both responsibilities and privileges. Those who Lead today, follow tomorrow ... and those who follow may also Lead.  Each takes part actively in the creation of the group's successes.

Conceive, Believe, Achieve! (CBA Group RI) was created by a small tribe of effectively conscious individuals who have shared vision. Then a larger group and circle grew around the first one, and so the two circles merged.  This is the beginning of a wonderful community.  Those who are with us now are part of the process of growing into whatever we envision for ourselves. 

From Organizers, Sam& Alberta Lemay
Bob Coderre
and AngelMarie VanGyzen

Thank you!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Canvassing for Eagle Park Community Garden

February 25th 2012

Canvassing Eagle Park
for Community Garden

We had a wonderful turnout for our first effort toward the construction of this community garden to be located at
265 Admiral Street in Providence. 
Our good friend, Marcellus Sharpe has done most of the hard work at learning how this will work.  We were glad to add some "legwork" to his efforts by distributing flyers to invite the community to participate.  After all, the participation of friends and neighbors in the area will be essential to its success! 

It is exciting to see how the Law of Attraction works to connect people who want to achieve great things.  Our friend Caffi came from Boston, by BUS to be a part of this project.  She is so passionate about farming that she actually is studying it out in Boston and working with other communities and small groups to offer education on how to farm.  We are fortunate to have drawn a person of her skills and abilities to us as we will need such an advisor over the important months to come.

In addition to Caffi, Marcellus has shown the vision and passion to create this and has the business knowledge to consider each detail carefully.  Sam has been instrumental in organizing the CBA Group to be the people who go out into the community and really get things rolling.  Bob is awesome!  He brought his 3 sons, our friend Andrew, and basically arrived with a full minivan of volunteers! 

My daughter Annika and I were glad to be with this wonderful group, and Alberta brought her sister Danielle along with her daughters Lindsey and Skyler.  I love that we are involving our family (especially our little kids) because (to me anyway), community means ALL OF US.  I am just so excited personally about this!

Here are some photos from the event:

The Photo above is the LOT where the garden will be created!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Eagle Park Project

Hi Blog-Readers!

It is a great time to be a part of the CBA group as we are about to launch a project that will keep us busy over the next few months and then we have plans for some hiking and meditation and educational meetups to come in summer.

With such a variety of members, so much can happen and that is what is special about this group of people!

At our recent MeetUp, we met a new friend named Marcellus who inspired us to help create a community garden in Providence' Eagle Park Section.

We are very excited and passionate about this project because there is a correlation between gardening and good health.  Part of that link has to do with the process of developing the garden and the physical labor.  The other part however, is related to the selection and growing of foods for the sustainability of the community food supply. 

Just think of the ramifications of people never going hungry?  Just think of that as a possibility and your spirit will elevate.  I hope to see you all there February 25th!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What does Sustainability have to do with us in the CBA Group?

That was a trick question...SUSTAINABILITY has to do with everyone.

In our world in 2012, it will be more important then ever to understand this concept of sustaining.  Some readers will have heard this before and for others this may be something new to consider.  But I will give you some basic information here that can be the start for you if you are new to this.

What is sustainability?

"Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.
Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have, the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment."

Environmental needs and the changes in our planet's resources have been on the horizon for more then two decades.  It may be that this is the very time when that knowledge must be called to action!  It is time to put into useful action that which we know as knowledge.

One way to do this is to change the "mindset" that we have lived under for our entire lives where it pertains to health, wellness and food.  The human body (according to Eastern beliefs) can be completely healed by food.  Amazing, isn't it?  Food is supposed to be both nourishing and medicinal.  It is frightening to think about how much sickness comes through the food chain. 

Eating "organic", may seem to some people like a fad or new-age lifestyle choice when in fact it may come to be necessary for us to all know how to grow our own vegetables, herbs...raise our own livestock and cultivate our own fresh water source.

In preparation for our Saturday meeting (February 11th), I would like to toss these ideas around and see what people think.  Please join us on the Discussion Board of our Meetup Page to go into greater detail on this.



Saturday, January 7, 2012

Meeting Recap January 7th

Our Meetup today took place at the Warwick Public Library.  We saw returning friends and some were missing.  There were new faces in the crowd and new stories emerged to inspire us all toward greatness.  Today's workshop topic was:

To Give in order to Receive

The idea of giving and receiving proved to be a challenge even for those of us striving to really truly incorporate it into our lifestyle. 

Berta opened the meeting to introduce Bob, who offered up plenty of food for thought.  The following is an overview of Bob's Lesson:

What is success?  How does it show up in people's lives?  Is there a secret to success?  If there was any secret it would be that we must give freely with no expectation of return.

Napoleon Hill was friends with Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie introduced him to 500 Successful people.  Hill studied their processes for success.  Hill also studied tens of thousands of "failures".  Ultimately, Hill reported that the cases of failures taught him more than the successes.

Another curious analogy is that of the Wood Stove.  In order to keep warm by using a wood-burning stove, you must go out, procure wood (with effort) and then manage the fire in order to produce heat.  This is a lot of work.  Some people are willing to do the work while others just want to feel the heat and warmth of the fire after it is burning.  Success takes effort.

Like farmers, every person must decide what they want to grow so that they can plant the right seed in the right soil and produce real results.  Farmers have faith that what they plant is growing.

4 Steps to Success:
  • Define what you want in your mind.
  • Pretend that you have already received it
  • Feel Gratitude for it and give Thanks.
  • Say Yes or say No...go for the yes with no resistance
  • Subconscious Mind ...allow it to work. 

The subconscious mind's activity (vibration) is what attracts success and anything else that comes to us.

Thank you Bob

Next was Janet's Lesson and she spoke more in-depthly about the idea of Resistance and offerred a lot of practical suggestions.

Imagine having an unlimited amount of something that you could give away freely...

We used a worksheet and performed a practical and very challenging exercise about identifying where our feelings control our blockages.  This is from a collection of writing by Byron Katie called "The Work"

Thank You Janet

Angel wrapped up the meeting with reminders about this Blog and ways to receive information such as reading materials used by our Group.  The act of Giving and Receiving is a challenge for all of us on different levels and the fact that resistance is always there is undeniable.  But the point is we all want to see miracles and success in our lives.  This and our mutual interest in doing good for the planet, our state and just our communities in general are why we continue to meet-up and share ideas like this.

We at CBA are committed to working together in LOVE and peace and we are so glad to meet so many new people each time we gather.  Stay tuned for the next physical Meetup and projects coming up.

If anyone knows of a Cause or Charity that needs championing, please contact Sam Lemay or any of the CBA Organizers.  Thank you and much peace and love to you.